Free template for Astro 4.0 + Tailwind CSS

AstroWind: Production-ready. Suitable for Startups, Small Business, SaaS websites, Professional Portfolios, Marketing websites, Landing Pages & Blogs.

AstroWind Hero Image
Philosophy: Simplicity, Best Practices and High Performance


What you get with AstroWind

One of the most professional and comprehensive templates currently on the market. Most starred & forked Astro theme in 2022.

Astro + Tailwind CSS Integration

A seamless integration between two great frameworks that offer high productivity, performance and versatility.

Ready-to-use Components

Widgets made with Tailwind CSS ready to be used in Marketing Websites, SaaS, Blogs, Personal Profiles, Small Business...

Inside template

AstroWind's Blueprint: Fun Meets Functionality!

Building on modern foundations

Gain a competitive advantage by incorporating industry leading practices

Built on top of Astro 4.0

Benefiting from the performance and developer-friendly features of this modern static site generator.

Styled using Tailwind CSS

Facilitating rapid design and consistent styling with this highly popular utility-first CSS framework.

Ensure your online presence truly represents you.

High level of customization

Tailor the template effortlessly to match your brand's identity and requirements, making your website distinct and saving you time.

Multiple layout possibilities

Explore various layout options to find the structure that best presents your content, enhancing user engagement and navigation.

Designed to foster growth and success.

Enhanced user engagement

Captivate your audience with interactive elements, intuitive navigation, and visually appealing layouts, encouraging longer visits.

Continuous improvement

Ensure your website stays aligned with the latest trends and technologies through regular updates and enhancements.

Get your dream website up and running in no time with AstroWind.

Step 1: Download

Kickstart with GitHub! Either fork the AstroWind template or simply click 'Use this template'. Your canvas awaits, ready for your digital masterpiece. In just a few clicks, you've already set the foundation.

Step 2: Add content

Pour your vision into it. Add images, text, and all that jazz to breathe life into your digital space. Remember, it's the content that tells your story, so make it captivating.

Steps image


Most used widgets

Provides frequently used components for building websites using Tailwind CSS


Ever tried driving without GPS? Boom! That's why websites need headers for direction.


Picture a superhero landing – epic, right? That's the job of a Hero section, making grand entrances!


Where websites strut their stuff and show off superpowers. No holding back on the bragging rights here!


Frequently Asked Questions

Dive into the following questions to gain insights into the powerful features that AstroWind offers and how it can elevate your web development journey.

Why AstroWind?

Michael Knight a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent. The helpless. The powerless in a world of criminals who operate above the law. Here he comes Here comes Speed Racer. He's a demon on wheels.

What do I need to start?

Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds. Many say exploration is part of our destiny, but it’s actually our duty to future generations.


Astro + Tailwind CSS

Be very surprised by these huge fake numbers you are seeing on this page.Don't waste more time! :P